Monday, March 23, 2009

Chris: 3/23/2009

Monday Monday. OK. Totally swamped at work, which is never nice, and I knew my lunch break would be filled high with tasks & errands, so when word spread about a burrito place that delivered in our zone, I naturally flipped & got on board with the office ordering.... Opted for the buffalo chicken burrito (!!??) (see yesterday's lunch for why I'm pumped about it), which came filled with all the usual things. Not enough sauce for my liking, but still this thing ruled.


Jme said...

Is the dailylunchbattle over?!?!!!

cb said...

i know!? what gives!!!!?

Unknown said...

Your blog is very inspiring. I hope you can visit mine and follow me back I look forward to being blog friends.

Unknown said...

Such a nice blog u have
That child looks so cute
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