Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shawn: 2/17/09

#1 super sized. It was good. Can't beat that McDonalds feeling - and
how come you can eat this when it's obviously 5000 calories and be
hungry after you finish. This isn't just me - it's everyone. It was
still mega awesome


Chris said...

I've still NEVER eaten a big mac.

Jme said...

Chris, that is crazy. You've NEVER had a Snickers either, have you? WHAT GOES ON IN YOUR MIND that you can resist the temptation of these tasty tweeetz?

Jme said...

i blame your parents.

Rhys Ziemba said...

My 12 year old cousin from Chicago ate his first Big Mac the other day. The strange part was how much he already knew about the Big Mac qua Big Mac. He was kind of an expert.