Monday, December 15, 2008

Chris: 12/15/2008

As a general rule, I try to heed the advice of my friend biz kaj whenever possible. Today is easily the coldest day of the winter so far (projected high of -1, tho it's -4 I think right now...) & I had prepared to eat my soup at work and not step foot outside when I got the call (figurative & actual) to chow at my jam: India Palace. What a fantastic idea it was (tho the outdoor part was painful). Pictured is some beef vindaloo, a chicken / peas dish, basmati rice, naan & a lentil dish of some kind. This was exceptionally good considering I skipped breakfast to scrape ice & snow off of my car so that I may get to work in a somewha timely fashion. Rad, dude.

1 comment:

km said...

Yum. A wise choice on a cruel day. -1?? Time to move to SF, Chris.