Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Chris: 10/28/2008

Today's lunch is non-existant. Not exactly literally, but at the same time it sorta is, because my friend Heidi is a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and I'm a lineline for her (!!). As a lifeline, I have to be at the beckoning call of my "line" for the next several hours, which means no lunch. So lunch just happened in a matter of minutes, thanks to the lovelies at the Taco Bell drive-thru around the corner from work. I got my usual jam: two bean burritos (no onions). It tasted like, well, Taco Bell, and totally served the purpose of getting food in me.
I know I've had a poor showing this week, Chris fans, so look for an extra special comeback edition of Lunch Battle tomorrow. CIAO!


Chris said...

Dig my paisley corduroy shirt! That alone's gotta get me a few votes...

PuritanicalGardener1692 said...

Is that show even on anymore? T-bell rules.

Chris said...

hellz yeah & hellz yeah

Shawn said...

no onions? LOSE

cb said...

they can't smell your breath over the phone, chris.
you shoulda got onions.

luvz t-bell.

km said...

No way! Taco bell onions™ lead directly to butt sick. Chris is playing it SMART. He also has a good excuse on why his lunch sucks. But...his lunch still sucks.

Jme said...

I hope you didn't get a Taco Belly-ache

Jeremy said...

chris, here's why you lose....i mean other than the fact that shawn ate a publix sub, which we all know rules supreme. but really, two bean burritos? didnt you know it was free taco day yesterday?


that taco would have give you an edge, simply because it was free.

i'm disappointed in you young padawan.

Chris said...

there's no way i could go with the free taco - my ass woulda leaked!!
the strategy was to get something in the 'middle' of the menu. something that would stick to my stomach without forcing me to trot off to the b'room while i'm supposed to be by the phone...